BRING HOME. MAKE BEAUTIFUL. At the core of every human being is a longing to be seen, known, valued, treasured, cherished, and received. We want to belong and be loved. You could describe this yearning with one word: NAVAH It’s an ancient word that means “home.” More precisely, it’s a verb that means “to find rest, to bring home, and to make beautiful.” THE WORLD NEEDS A MOVEMENT OF HOME AND BEAUTY. Restoring hearts, rebuilding families, reconciling relationships, and renewing society is what a movement of home and beauty looks like. Home can change everything from economics to education, media to medicine. It impacts the rich, poor, young, and old in any culture, at any time. HOME IS A PERSON. Jesus is our Home. Navah Church KC is all about this Home and a world made beautiful once again, in and through Jesus
Our Vision
The vision is Jesus. Transforming hearts, homes, neighborhoods, and nations until the whole world is beautiful. What do we mean by that? When we see Jesus, our eyes are opened to reality. In other words, Jesus defines and reveals the way all things really are. If you want to know exactly what God is like or what humans were meant to be, look at Jesus. If you are seeking to define or experience love, family or friendship, get to know Jesus. Jesus unveils truth, beauty, ethics and the wisdom required for the entire range of human interest and complexity. It means we wouldn’t want to live a moment without Him. Jesus is our identity and our worth, instead of our performance or the state of our relationships. We get to enjoy being home in the Father, Son and Spirit. As we follow Him, He transforms us and the world around us.
Navah can be summarized by "THREE LOVES" described in "THREE WORDS"
Prayerful (Love God): All of life in God’s presence.
Family (Love One Another): All of life with God’s people.
Mission (Love the World): All of life with God’s passion.
We follow Jesus every day in every area of our life, 24-7. We don’t follow Jesus as individuals only but as a family of families consumed with His love, power, and presence. The primary way we express this shared life is in HOME CHURCHES. Following Jesus means that we love what He loves and share in His dreams. It means we dive deep into His Father, His family, His Spirit, His story, and His world. Jesus suffered and died for all people, rich or poor, from all cultures and contexts. His passion was to bring home a hurting humanity and make beautiful a damaged creation. He called all people to follow Him and called His followers to join His mission.
Our Team
The Navah Family is led by a team of Elders. They are the joyful, sacrificial, and willing family leaders who prayerfully oversee, teach and shepherd their families and the church as a Family on mission. Some, by calling and capacity, direct the affairs of the church uniquely in a more full-time capacity.
We have many who volunteer and some who are staff on our Resource Teams and Home Church Leadership Teams - see the Ecosystem explanation for more on this.
The Navah leadership and community submit to the wise care and guidance of an external Oversight Team - wise and trusted leaders who care for our hearts and help advise our Eldership.
Current Eldership Team: Adam Cox, Juli Cox, Adam Chiarelli, Graham Catto, Tim Goddu,
Joshua Johnson, Doug Day, Julie Day & Jana Sawyer
Staff Team: Donte Newsome (Operations), Kyle Williamson (Youth), Christi Aly (All Navah Kids)
Current Oversight Team: Ken Janke, Jon Petersen, Gyle Smith, Roger Nix
Global 24-7 Prayer Communities Team: Alain Emerson, Roger Elis, Jill Weber, Lou Moore
Our Story
Our story stems back to the kingdom seed of friends in love with Jesus, praying and dreaming together. After moving into a foreclosed drug house on the east side of Kansas City in 2003, a few months later they would meet Pete and Sammy Greig and be joyfully hijacked into the 24-7 Prayer movement. The Greig’s moved to KC and would help establish 24-7 Prayer USA and later commission this growing family of friends then called the KC Boiler Room in 2005. A decade of fumbling on the tripping edge of the kingdom would bring wild adventures, a growing multi-generational family forged through fire, and a deepening maturity in our identity as beloved sons and daughters in Christ. Prompted by the Father, we changed our name at our 10-year anniversary to Navah, reflecting the Spirit’s work in us and through us.
Our City
We love Kansas City! It’s our home and we think it’s beautiful. Kansas City is known for jazz, fountains, barbecue, Chiefs kingdom and the boys in blue. It's a city of wonderful diversity, culture and a growing attraction to industry and young entrepreneurs from all over the nation. There is a history and deep redemptive root system below the surface, anchoring all these things we see and enjoy. Through several years of research and digging by Jon Petersen, five key "Redemptive Roots" for Kansas City were explored . We believe that these are things that God has purposed and promised for the good of the people of KC and beyond. If you would like to read more about these Redemptive Roots you can download and paper written by one of our oversight- Jon Petersen
Our Global Family
A global movement of prayer, mission and justice known as 24-7 Prayer was officially launched in Guildford, England at the turn of the millennium. Active today in more than 100 nations, the 24-7 Prayer movement has been praying non-stop since 1999. 24-7 Prayer generates innovative new resources, ignites radical missions work and plants communities like ours all over the world.
To learn more go to : 24-7prayer.com or 24-7prayerusa.com