Common Rule
A Rule of life is simply an intentional plan and set of practices that help us abide in Jesus and keep Jesus at the center of everything we do. We desire Jesus’ wise and loving rule in our lives rather than life’s chaos to rule over us.
Navah’s Common Rule includes ‘shared practices’ that will form us and hold us together as a prayerful, family on mission following Jesus in all of life. They are passed down to us through the generations from Jesus and the church as a means to our growth, transformation, and obedience to His commands. This is not a comprehensive list of all spiritual practices, but a great foundational starting place.
We have started simply by committing to the first three practices together (1. Scripture Reading, 2. Silence, Solitude, And Prayer- Daily Prayer, 3. Saints Gathered). We will aim to expand our practices and deepen them over time with biblical and practical teaching and resources. Feel free to explore the full list as well as other practices on your own as the Holy Spirit leads you.
All of life anchored in God’s word.
Practice: One New Testament chapter daily- We will use a Bible reading plan that takes us through the whole New Testament (1 chapter a day Monday to Friday) and Psalms and Proverbs (on the weekends) in a calendar year. (Note: The Old Testament readings are included for those who would like to read the entire Bible.)
Definition: Meditating on, internalizing, and obeying the authoritative story of God’s person, history, and purpose. The scriptures help us know God and love him, transforming our hearts, minds, identity, relationships, and lifestyles.
Jesus’ Command: Obey the word, Go Make Disciples
RESOURCE: More info HERE and direct link to download here: Bible Reading Plan
All of life in God’s presence
Practice: 3 x a day prayer - morning, midday and evening. Find some time in the day to be alone with God in silence and solitude practicing his presence and learning to listen. Consider using the P.R.A.Y model (Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield).
Definition: Listening to God in silence, practicing loving attentiveness to his presence, sharing our hearts with him and yielding to his will in agreement.
Jesus’ Command: Pray, Baptized in the Father, Son and Spirit
24-7 Prayer Courses ( Prayer Course, Lectio Course, Be Still) and Apps (Lectio 365, Lectio for Families, Inner Room)
All of life with God’s people
Practice: Once a week- Gather with the Navah family weekly (home church or all together) to participate in prayerful, family on a mission. Our home churches often track together with the Scripture reading plan each week.
Definition: Joint participation and shared life in Christ and his kingdom mission.
Jesus’ Command: Love, Gather/Leadership, Lord’s Supper
RESOURCE: Teachings from Adam & Juli Cox
The Gathered Church: Juli Cox
A Vision of the Church Scattered: Adam Cox
All of life with God’s generosity
“All I own does not own me.”
“All that I own is not my own.”
“I will consistently/regularly give a portion of what I own to the establishment of God’s Kingdom through the Church”
“I will be joyfully sacrificial and extravagant in my giving as the Holy Spirit leads me.”
All of life from God’s rest
All of life with God’s priorities
All of life with God’s compassion
All of life with God’s good news
For an introduction to the Common Rule, you can watch this Video from Adam Cox (Jan. 2021)
Deeply Formed Disciples: Adam Cox
Every November we offer a Rule Of Life Workshop. Sign up for the next one (under trainings) or download the workbook now to start working on your personal Rule of Life