We gather around an annual calendar designed to help us be continually transformed as a Prayerful Family on Mission. Following Jesus together in all of life
Our Monthly Gathering rhythm includes: All Navah Gathering (2nd Sundays of the month), Home Church Gatherings,
Youth Gatherings (Sunday Evenings) and Special Events, Retreats & Trainings.
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE

All Navah Gathering
Come join us for our monthly All Navah Gathering, we would love to see you!
For more info see: Navah Gatherings
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE

Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE

All Navah Gathering
Come join us for our monthly All Navah Gathering, we would love to see you!
For more info see: Navah Gatherings
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE

All Navah Gathering
Come join us for our monthly All Navah Gathering, we would love to see you!
For more info see: Navah Gatherings
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE

All Navah Gathering
Come join us for our monthly All Navah Gathering, we would love to see you!
For more info see: Navah Gatherings

Navah Youth
Our youth gather together on Sunday evenings (Middl School through High School). If you would like more information please email us at hello@navahchurchkc.com
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE

Navah Youth
Our youth gather together on Sunday evenings (Middl School through High School). If you would like more information please email us at hello@navahchurchkc.com
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE

Soup and Sing-a-long
Join us for our third annual Soup & Singalong.
To find more and sign-up to bring a soup please use this link:

Navah Youth
Our youth gather together on Sunday evenings (Middl School through High School). If you would like more information please email us at hello@navahchurchkc.com
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE

Navah Youth
Our youth gather together on Sunday evenings (Middl School through High School). If you would like more information please email us at hello@navahchurchkc.com

All Navah Gathering
Come join us for our monthly All Navah Gathering, we would love to see you!
For more info see: Navah Gatherings
Home Church Sunday
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
Find out more about Navah Home Churches HERE

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EHS) Course
Click link for more information: Training EHS
to register: https://tithe.ly/event-registration/#/9213091

24-7 Prayer Week
View this link for more information about 24-7 Prayer USA and this prayer week: https://www.24-7prayerusa.com/2024

All Navah Gathering
Come join us for our monthly All Navah Gathering, we would love to see you!
For more info see: Navah Gatherings

All Navah Gathering
Come join us for our monthly All Navah Gathering, we would love to see you!
For more info see: Navah Gatherings

Mission Heirborne Youth
Come join Navah & Hope City’s youth groups at El Torreon from 7-8:30pm! We welcome 6th -12th graders.