Home Churches
Home Churches provide the context for Jesus to transform hearts, homes, neighborhoods, and even nations. We love the way Jesus’ first followers expressed prayerful, family on mission and seek to live a similar lifestyle together.
Acts 2:42-47 reads, “They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
The Home Church environment teaches us to be the church as a family of families where everyone is seen and heard, gives and receives with Jesus at the center. The Church is family and every age & season of life a gift to be honored and celebrated together.
See the sections below for more information about Navah Home Churches:
On the first, third and fourth Sundays of the month, Navah gathers across Kansas City in homes, yards, parks, community centers, etc. We meet with our existing Home Church, welcoming friends and neighbors as we love Jesus and one another where we live, work and play.
-We live in the father’s love, enjoy Jesus’ friendship and listen to the holy spirit at work, at home and wherever we may find ourselves.
-We ask the Father for what we need and give thanks for what we have.
-We can't get enough of God's story in the bible. We pray it, read it, obey it and seek to live it.
-We pray for our neighbors to encounter, fall in love with and follow Jesus.
-We cry out for the people and systems that are broken, damaged and hurting to be restored, reconciled and made right.
-We declare Jesus’ miraculous possibility and promises into all impossibility.
-We know each other's stories, walk together in daily life and refuse to stop having fun.
-We see one another according to our identity in Jesus before our performance, and cultivate a culture of honor, transparency and accountability at a heart level.
-We base our relationships on who Jesus is and how the bible teaches us to live.
-We encourage dreaming and the generous contribution of each person’s gifts, time and money to see the family built.
-We regularly eat meals, throw parties and centrally remember Jesus through communion.
-We are a community of all ages that loves all life stages and strive to include them in our meetings, meals and whole life of following Jesus.
-We remember that it is Jesus who is already at work in the lives of our neighbors, and seek to join him. mission is not our identity but our joy and privilege.
-We are looking to help our neighbors follow Jesus in all of life.
-We value showing and telling who Jesus is through our words and lifestyle at home, at work and in every part of our lives.
-We believe in miracles of healing, provision and restoration all around us.
-We serve our communities and neighborhoods in ways that will truly meet felt needs and reveal the love and kindness of Jesus.
-We throw parties, celebrate and eat with our friends who don’t yet follow Jesus.
As each Home Church has a slightly different demographic and mission, these groups vary in what they offer children. However, in all of our Home Churches, we value the beautiful and important part that kids play in our community and mission. We strive to create environments that are safe and equip kids to follow Jesus in everyday life, as part of a prayerful family on mission.
Our Home Church Leaders are incredible at helping their people follow Jesus together in all of life as a prayerful, family on mission. Home Churches are led by teams, coached and pastored by Elders and receive on-going training and support to remain safe, skilled, and Spirit-filled Leaders. If you are interested in becoming a Home Church Leader please reach out and find out more about training and requirements
Home Churches grow & multiply in different ways- the most common way is by people within the Home Church inviting friends, family and those interested in following Jesus to join them.
For those that don’t already have relational connections within Navah we invite you to join us at our All Navah Gatherings as we take a slower process to help you find the right fit. We try to go at a loving pace for both those interested in joining and the Home Churches. Navah Home Churches are places of vulnerability, growth, and discipleship , so it is a different process than connecting with something like a small group.
Feel free to reach out if you are interested in learning more. -
The Navah Formation Resource Team supplies resources for Home Church Gatherings but we trust the leaders to follow the Spirit as he leads. The time is structured around Acts 2, we love the way Jesus’ first followers expressed prayerful, family on mission in homes and seek to live a similar lifestyle together.