All Navah Gatherings
Our All Navah Gatherings are a space for us to be together in God’s presence: worshipping, connecting, receiving teaching, and inspiring one another with a vision of Jesus and the Kingdom. We typically gather on the second Sunday of each month, currently at El Torreon (3101 Gillham Plaza, Kansas City, MO 64109) from 10 am - 12 pm. But check the calendar as we sometimes switch it up.
Visiting an All Navah Gathering is a great way to get to know us. If you are planning a visit, feel free to let us know you are coming by emailing us.
We Think of It as a Family Reunion, of Sorts
We know for a lot of people just showing up in a room full of people, you’ve never met, can be a little overwhelming and awkward, we are thankful you are even willing to brave that so we can meet you. We currently rent space at El Torreon, if you have never been there you can park in the North Parking lot and enter through the main doors to the left of the El Torreon sign. You are welcome to wear whatever you feel comfortable in - most people dress pretty casual.
Stop by the welcome table to say hello on your way in and get settled in the main event space, we will start shortly after 10 am. The Gathering is usually officially over around Noon but most people will sit and talk - we would love to meet you so please feel free to grab someone and share your journey with them, you will probably find that there are similarities in your story and vulnerability is a great first step to connection. -
We believe that kids are an important and powerful part of the family of God. We love kids and strive to include them in all aspects of Navah family life including Sunday gatherings.
We welcome all of our kids to join their families in corporate worship and prayer for the first part of each Sunday gathering. Children age 18 months to 5th Grade are then blessed and released into the care of our Navah Kids team (but they are welcome to stay with you in the main Gathering if you prefer).
Note: Children need to be signed in before the gathering and signed out by a parent/caretaker when the Gathering is done.At Navah Kids we aim to "bring home and make beautiful" through play, prayer, story, and song. We trust the Holy Spirit to create "at-home moments" for each child through the activities, those who facilitate them, and through the kids to one another. Each space is curated to be warm, welcoming, and age-appropriate, encouraging each child in their development toward maturity and their devotion to Jesus.
We are excited to get to know your kids and to minister to them and be ministered to by them.
Questions about Navah Kids, feel free to contact us
Everyone from age 12 joins in with our main All Navah Gathering. We do offer a space just for Middle and High school on Wednesday evenings at El Torreon.
Sam Smith and Sarah Wood host Hope City and Navah Church's youth groups together as they grow in following Jesus.
All youth are welcome, reach out if you would like more info -
Because our All Navah Gatherings are a family reunion type space we keep it pretty basic, simple, and relational. We don’t always have big bands, we are sometimes around tables or have no chairs at all, we mostly keep the room lights on and often have multiple people leading aspects of the Gathering. We try to receive everyone as family and welcome every age and season of life knowing that it’s a sacred gift.