Acknowledgement, Resources for support and a Prayer concerning recent news about
International House of Prayer KC and Mike Bickle - related to sexual and clergy abuse 

This acknowledgment was shared at our All Navah Gathering on Feb 11, 2024

Our Eldership has been talking to and helping our Home Church Leaders, since late October, support and care for those in Navah that this situation has deeply impacted. 
Today we want to mention a few things - 
We are all impacted at Navah in some way by what’s happening at IHOP but for some of you this is causing great hurt or confusion and possibly triggering past pain in your life. We want to let you know that we are available to care and support you on your journey of grief and healing. Please reach out to your Home Church Leaders, any of the Elders at Navah or email us at if you would like support, prayer or help processing your pain.

We also want to let you know that we have safeguards in place to protect against these types of things happening at Navah but specifically to keep our children safe.  In saying that- this situation at IHOP has revealed that there are places we need to improve. We are currently working on updating, upgrading, adding and clarifying our safeguards.

If there is anyone here who has been the victim of clergy or sexual abuse and even the thought of talking to someone here in a church setting is terrifying then I’d like to suggest you consider contacting or they work to support survivors and will offer or connect you with the necessary care and resources you may need. 
You are not alone and your voice matters!

Jesus we are committed to be a church who
centers you as best we can
and to do that we want to center the people you centered - the hurting and vulnerable.
We will hold onto the church you love with both hands…
We will grieve with those that are devastated by the pain of sin…
We will raise our voice for justice and stand with victims…
We will get on our knees in humility, repentance and prayer asking you, Jesus, to search our hearts and grant us forgiveness and mercy.

Resources for help or understanding:

abuseresponseandprevention: a guide to more information about the realities of clergy sexual abuse